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Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal
You’ve probably already tried various methods of hair removal; waxing, shaving, depilatory creams, electrolysis, and each comes with it’s own inconvenience. There’s that “in-between” stage of waxing when you have to walk around in the summer sun wearing tights or pants to hide your furry pins, and the embarrassment of that dreaded shaving rash that often comes out of nowhere regardless of how careful you are. Unlike shaving that lasts days, waxing that needs to be repeated every few weeks indefinitely or electrolysis that is tedious, permanent hair reduction is a lasting solution that takes away everyday hurdle of dealing with unwanted facial and body hair.
There are 2 types of hair removal
- Temporary
- Permanent
2) Permanent:- Lasers and electrolysis are permanent.
What is difference between electrolysis and lasers?
Electrolysis targets single hair follicle at a time hence requires more time for smaller area and end up in pigmentation and scarring. But laser targets multiple hair follicles at a time without missing a single target follicle and yields quick effective and permanent hair reduction in shorter period of time. Hence laser hair removal is the ideal option.
What to expect after laser treatment:
Immediately after treatment the treated skin be comes red which normalizes within an hour. Treated burnt hair roots will either come out immediately or may take 1 to 2 weeks. when body pushes out these burnt hair roots you may feel that new hair are growing fast.
New growth is expected after 3 weeks which grows significantly till 10th week when your next sitting is due. Some skipped areas may show regrowth of hair early for which you need not worry. These will be taken care of automatically during next sitting.
The comfortable period between two sitting in which you don't require laser is called hair free interval. For example on diode laser after 3-4 sittings, your sitting interval should be around 3 to 4 months and after 8 sitting gap should be 6 to 10 months. Longer treatment intervals indicate better efficacy of laser machine.
What if get hair growth in between treatments?
Do's- Shave off the hair in between the sittings.
- Cut with scissor if few in number.
- Use sunscreen
- Use moisturizer
- Bleach, Thread, Pluck and wax. If bleached no treatment for at least three weeks.
- No shaving at least 8-10 days before treatment.
- No sun exposure before and after treatment